About US

Since our inception in March 2020, we have been at the forefront of biologics, committed to exploring the vast potential of human cells and tissue products. Our foundation lies in the collective expertise of a diverse team of scientists, researchers, clinicians, and industry specialists, all united with a singular vision: to revolutionize the landscape of healthcare through regenerative therapies.

Commitment to Excellence

Our dedication to excellence is unwavering and defines every aspect of our operations. Quality and safety are the cornerstones of our work, reflecting our deep commitment to not only meeting but exceeding the expectations of our partners, clients, and the communities we serve.

Our operations are rigorously designed and executed to ensure compliance with United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations, laboratory accreditation standards, and industry best practices. This stringent compliance ensures the highest standards of quality and safety for our products and services.

We recognize that our commitment to regulatory adherence and excellence goes beyond mere compliance. It is about fostering a culture of continuous improvement, where best practices, Good Laboratory Practices (GLP), and Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) are not just followed but are integral to our ethos.

Our operations are continually refined through the integration of the latest advancements in science, technology, and process management, ensuring that our products are not only effective but also reliably safe and of the highest quality.

To achieve this, Novo Laboratories actively engages in:

  • Continuous Education & Training: Ensuring our team is knowledgeable about the latest regulations, standards, and directives, and understands the importance of their roles in maintaining the integrity and quality of our products.

  • Rigorous Quality Control: Implementing comprehensive quality control and assurance protocols throughout every stage of our manufacturing process to detect and address any deviations from established standards.

  • Innovation & Continuous Improvement: Seeking out and applying innovative methods and technologies to enhance the efficiency, safety, and effectiveness of our manufacturing processes, research and development, and biologic testing services.

  • Transparent Collaboration: Working closely with regulatory bodies, industry partners, and the scientific community to share knowledge, challenges, and best practices, fostering an environment of transparency and mutual trust.

  • Stakeholder Engagement: Listening to and learning from the feedback of our partners and the communities we serve, ensuring that we remain responsive and adaptive to their needs and expectations.

By embedding these principles into the fabric of our operations, Novo Laboratories not only upholds its commitment to regulatory compliance and excellence but also leads the way in advancing the field of regenerative medicine. Through our steadfast commitment to quality, safety, and excellence, we aim to build and maintain enduring trust with our partners, clients, and the global community.

Core Values


Upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct in all aspects of our business.


Valuing the contributions of each team member, partner, and stakeholder with whom we interact.


Ensuring that the patient's well-being is at the heart of everything we do.


Taking responsibility for our actions and their impact on patients, clients, and the wider community.


Operating with openness in our communications and business practices.


Committing to the highest quality in manufacturing, research, and all services we offer.


Committing to environmentally sustainable practices in our operations.


Rigorously adhering to regulatory standards and laws to ensure safety and efficacy.


Constantly seeking breakthroughs in biologics and regenerative medicine to improve patient care.